Contributions to One Heart Sangha are Tax Deductible.

Our only source of income is donations. Your donations help our sangha provide spaces for sitting zazen, offer scholarships, and support our teachers.

The Buddha taught that Generosity is one of the ways we carry our practice and lives “to the other shore” to a place of kindness and open heart.

PayPal Online Payments or Donations

You can either donate directly with a credit card or log into your PayPal account and donate. If you like, you can set up a monthly donation. Dana given to Silver Spring Zendo/One Heart Sangha are tax-deductible.

If you are paying for a Sesshin, Zazenkai, or other special event please mention it in the note box with your payment, along with your registration name and email if they are different on your PayPal account. For general donations, you may note a preference for the sangha, scholarships, or teacher support.

If you meditate with us, please consider dana of $20 per month, if you are able. Smaller or larger contributions made with a generous heart are equally dana, and equally welcome.

For online payments, please consider adding $2-3 additional for PayPal fees. Click Below to make a payment:

If you would rather pay by Check

Please mail a check made out to Silver Spring Zendo to:

Silver Spring Zendo-One Heart Sangha
c/o Valerie Elliott

6 Greenknolls Place
Greenbelt, MD 20770

In-Person Donations

We place a basket by the door at sangha events. Cash or checks are gratefully accepted, or we provide a QR code for our PayPal account.